
Virtual Real Estate Seminar Series

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Virtual Real Estate Seminars

As we are collectively embracing online meetings... Shall we come together for regular real estate seminars? Thursdays, fortnightly, 4-5 pm UK time?

This initiative is still very malleable. Others are working on similar ideas and we should be able to find a good setup that works for most of us. Let's get the ball rolling and work out organisational details along the way? In the end, a good seminar is nothing but an interesting paper meeting a good audience.

The series is open to academics and researchers from all over the world. Junior researchers and students are very welcome.

Do get in contact if you would like to present, attend or help organising.

##---- Call for papers: June and July slots ----##

We invite submissions for the seminar slots in June and July. If you'd like to present on any of the below dates, please send an email including the title of your proposed paper, a link to the paper or an attachment, and the slot during which you'd like to present. If you're flexible, feel free to give us a preference order for all four dates.

The available slots are (4.00-5.00 pm London time):

  • June 18
  • July 2
  • July 16
  • July 30

Please submit your paper until Friday, June 5.

We’ll get back to you as soon as possible if your paper has been chosen for presentation. There will likely be subsequent calls for papers on a rolling basis.


The setup

This is up for debate, but for now try the following:

  • The seminars should be short and interactive: 20-25 minutes for the speaker (with few questions during presentation). 25 minutes of questions and discussion.
  • Questions will be colleceted during the presentation in a text chat. Please use the "raise hand" function in Zoom if you'd like to ask an emergency question.
  • If you'd like to bring along coauthor(s) to the seminar, they can answer questions in the chat while you present.
  • A moderator will (try to) keep things orderly, civil and on track.
  • We won't record the seminars. Presenters don't need to be afraid that preliminary results or comments will remain online forever.
  • Papers should be developed enough to be worth discussing - but not overcooked. Ideally, feedback should still be meaningful.


* presenting author

June 4, 2020, 4-5 pm UK time

May 14, 2020, 4-5 pm UK time

April 30, 2020, 4-5 pm UK time

April 16, 2020, 4-5 pm UK time

April 2, 2020, 4-5 pm UK time

Sign up

Participation is free and all are welcome: Academics, students, industry practitioners.

We will send invitations to upcoming seminars by email. To participate, sign up to our mailing list (we won't send any spam not related to this seminar series).

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Support or Contact

Thies Lindenthal, email or DM on twitter

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