This is a simple code to extract data information from an excel (with a predefined format) and send it to a new Replicon expense sheet using webservices.
Simplify my expenses reports
Install Python - (I am using python 3.8)
Check if python is in the path environment variable
a) Command+r > type "rundll32 sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariables"
b) Check if there is somenthing like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python37-32\scripts;C:\Program Files (x86)\Python37-32" in the PATH variable
c) Add it if necessary
Open a command window and install the required python modules using the following command:
pip install repl_uploader
- Install de xlwings addon on excel typing the following command on a command window:
xlwings addin install
Garantee that the Project Name Format in your replicon is set to "Name - Code"
a) Login on your Replicon account
b) Go to settings (engine wheel - upper right corner)
c) Change "Project Name Format" to "Name - Code"
When a new release is available, upgrade with the following command:
pip install --upgrade repl_uploader
xlwings -
- Thiago Weidman
- Danilo Passos - The guy who made the worksheet template (Yeap, I stole the idea).
- Rodrigo Tomazeli - The Beta tester and "implementer"
- Manuel Cardoso - The new features specifier :)