
Minimal django application for academic administration

Primary LanguagePython

Sistema de Gestão Acadêmica


As part of a continuous integration strategy between our team, we implement a three-stage GitHub Action that validates: code format, using black formatter, errors and code style (e.g. unassigned variables), using flake8, and unit tests, using pytest. The following badge is a simbol that easily identifies if our code passed through all three validations or not.

Django CI

Important links

For more relevant information, access our document file, available here.

Setup local environment

0. Clone this repo

Before cloning, make sure you add your public SSH key in github.

$ git clone git@github.com:thigcampos/gestao-academica.git

And cd into the root folder:

cd gestao-academica

1. Install packages

1.0 Install pipenv

pip install pipenv

New to pipenv? No problem! Read more here.

1.1 Copy env variables

cp env.example .env

Pipenv will look for this file (.env) in order to export environment variables into your shell.

1.2 Start your virtualenv:

pipenv shell
1.2 Install packages (using Pipfile.lock):
pipenv install --ignore-pipfile

Now, let's setup the database.

1.3 Run migrations:

python manage.py makemigrations

Then, run:

python manage.py migrate

1.4 Populate the database

Give execute permissions to our setup script:

chmod +x setup.sh

Then, run it:


2. Run server

pipenv run ./manage.py runserver 8000

It should be up and running in http://localhost:8000. You can also access http://localhost:8000/admin.

3. Run tests

pipenv run pytest

4. Run cov erage

pipenv run coverage run -m pytest

Open coverage details:

pipenv run coverage html

5. Generate UML

./manage.py generate_puml