
Scripts to make ESLR maps for all of the world

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Scripts to make ESLR maps of your country of choice


Create a virtual environment from the requirements.txt file Have the bounding box coordinates for the country you want to map http://bboxfinder.com/#0.000000,0.000000,0.000000,0.000000
eslr point JRC data - JRC https://data.jrc.ec.europa.eu/dataset/jrc-liscoast-10012#dataaccess
hydrosheds data - hydrosheds https://www.hydrosheds.org/products/hydrobasins
country boundary shapefile - NE https://www.naturalearthdata.com/downloads/10m-cultural-vectors/

Step 1: Pull and merge the raster elevation data with script earthexplorer_italy_data_pull.ipynb

Input - bounding box coordinates
Output - merged tif file

Input - merged tif file
Output - shapefile with zonal statistics on the elevation and hydrobasin id; a csv file with the nearest 5 eslr points on watershed id for each projection (so 4 csv file total)

Step 3: Clean the data for the vulnerability maps in "prep_for_transform_map.ipynb"

Input - shapefile with zonal statistics on the elevation and hydrobasin id; 4 csv files (by projection) with the nearest 5 eslr points on watershed id for each projection
Output - shapefile with subtractions

Step 4: Create the 12 vulnerability maps and 36 shapefiles

Input- shapefile with subtractions
Output - 12 maps by vulnerability, along with the 36 unmerged shapefiles so that anyone can work on removing isolates

Other Resources:

Blog Post https://dev.to/thiggimajig/plan-to-analyze-sardinias-vulnerability-to-sea-level-rise-in-2050-3jmp Blog Post After Feedback https://dev.to/thiggimajig/analyzing-italys-vulnerability-to-sea-level-after-applying-feedback-4nb8