Santander Coders 2023.2 | Ada Tech

Repository to store exercises and examples at the Data Science lectures from Santander Coders at Ada Tech You can access the exercises and contents through the branches indicated in each section.

Module 1 - Programming Logic II (Python) ⏳

branch: study/logic

  • 01-01 - Tuples
  • 01-02 - Dicts
  • 01-03 - List Comprehension
  • 01-04 - Functions
  • 01-05 - Functional Programing
  • 01-06 - Exceptions
  • 01-07 - Files

Module 2 - Programming Techniques I (Python) 🚧

_branch: _

  • 02-01 - Git and GitHub
  • 02-02 - NumPy
  • 02-03 - Pandas

Module 3 - Databases I (Python) 🚧

_branch: _

  • 03-01 - Introduction
  • 03-02 - DataBase Types
  • 03-03 - PostgreSQL
  • 03-04 - DDL and DML
  • 03-05 - Databases
  • 03-06 - Tables
  • 03-07 - Data Insertion
  • 03-08 - Editing Data
  • 03-09 - Deleting Data
  • 03-10 - Simple Queries
  • 03-11 - MER and DER
  • 03-12 - Normal Forms
  • 03-13 - JOINS
  • 03-14 - Union
  • 03-15 - Aggregation
  • 03-16 - Cast
  • 03-17 - Views

Module 4 - Statistics I (Python) 🚧

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  • 04-01 - Descriptive Statistics
  • 04-02 - Probability
  • 04-03 - Probability Distributions
  • 04-04 - Normal Distribution and Central Limit Theorem
  • 04-05 - Hypothesis Testing
  • 04-06 - Sampling, Estimation, and Inference
  • 04-07 - Time Series

Module 5 - Machine Learning I (Python) 🚧

_branch: _


Module 6 - Machine Learning II (Python) 🚧

_branch: _
