My simple Anime watch list ⭐ Step 01: Clone the project: $ git clone Step 02: Go to anime-list directory and then install dependencies: $ cd anime-animes $ composer update Step 03: Still inside on anime-list, copy env-example to .env file: $ cp env-example .env Step 04: Run migrations $ ./vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:migrate Step 05: Generate proxies $ ./vendor/bin/doctrine orm:generate-proxies Step 06: Create User on CLI mode $ php commands/user/create-user.php Step 07: Run the project ⚡ $ php -S localhost:8000 -t public Routes of the project: animes/list-animes -> List all animes animes/create-anime -> Display form to create anime title animes/store-anime -> Create and/or update anime title animes/delete-anime -> delete anime