
Dumb Mule for X4 Foundations

SimpleMule; an X4 Foundations MOD

I use Mules-and-Warehouses-Extended (MWEx) in my own games. However, I found the setup for DistriMules and SupplyMules for a warehouse too complex and prone to errors. I had issues, for example, with Mules bringing wares from one station and then bringing it back again because two-way trade was enabled.

This MOD started out in the simplest form: bring products (the stuff the station produces) from one station to another.

Later I added support for two-way trade and selecting your own list of wares to transport.


Setup is fairly simple. Select SimpleMule as your Mule type from the default behaviour menu.

  • Select your source station
  • Select your target station

These two are mandatory (source and target station), the rest is optional.

By default the SimpleMule should work for products to be moved from source to station, and resources that the source needs and that are available at the target will be moved back, as two-way trade is on by default.

The other opions are:

  • Add / Remove Wares (products by default)

This option enables you to manually select wares that you want moved from source to target. If Only Selected Wares is enabled, only wares on this list will be moved from source to target, otherwise they are added to the list of products produced at the station.

  • Add / Remove Wares for return run

This does the same as above, but for the wares to move from target back to source. This list is added (unless Only Selected Wares is enabled) to the list of resources the source wants and are available at the target.

  • Only Selected Wares

See above.

  • Two-way trade

If enabled, the SimpleMule will also move stuff back from the target to the source. See above also.

  • Allow Energy Cells

By default Energy Cells are excluded from being moved.

  • Allow Food and Meds

By default Food and Meds are excluded from being moved.

  • Fill Cargo Percentage

The percentage of the cargo hold where the SimpleMule stops looking for more trades. The SimpleMule will try to find more trades to load if the cargo fill percentage is lower than this setting, but it doesn't stop the cargo run. So this is the preferred minimum cargo fill percentage.

  • Keep Resource at Target

If a ware is also a resource at the target station, this setting will keep x times the hourly consumption of that ware at the target station. The example I run into most is stations that produce Food and have a habitat. The habitat needs food, so it's both a resource and a product for that station. With this setting set to 1, the SimpleMule will always leave 1 hour's worth of Food at the target station. At 2, 2 hour's worth. Etc.