Official Chia Docker Container
Basic Startup
docker run --name <container-name> -d
(optional -v /path/to/plots:plots)
Added Configuration
A CA directory is required for correct operation of the harvesters. Add the farmers ~/.chia/mainnet/config/ssl/ca to your data directory.
You can modify the behavior of your Chia container by setting specific environment variables.
To use your own keys pass as arguments on startup (post 1.0.2 pre 1.0.2 must manually pass as shown below)
-v /path/to/key/file:/path/in/container -e keys="/path/in/container"
or pass keys into the running container
docker exec -it <container-name> venv/bin/chia keys add
alternatively you can pass in your local keychain, if you have previously deployed chia with these keys on the host machine
-v ~/.local/share/python_keyring/:/root/.local/share/python_keyring/
To start a farmer only node pass
-e farmer="true"
To start a harvester only node pass
-e harvester="true" -e farmer_address="addres.of.farmer" -e farmer_port="portnumber"
or run commands externally with venv (this works for most chia XYZ commands)
docker exec -it chia venv/bin/chia plots add -d /plots
status from outside the container
docker exec -it chia venv/bin/chia show -s -c
Connect to testnet?
docker run -d --expose=58444 --expose=8555 -e testnet=true --name <container-name>
Need a wallet?
docker exec -it chia-farmer1 venv/bin/chia wallet show (follow the prompts)