
ESPHome Config for Velux Remote + Wemos D1 Mini

Velux Remote Control

This is an ESPHome configuration to Control Velux Remote via ESP8266 , prefered Wemos D1.

With ESPHome you can control the device over Wifi and integrate it into Home Assistant.

More info @ https://esphome.io/


Create a secrets.yaml with your passwords

wifipassword: "wifipw"

otapassword: "otapw"


Case for 3D Printing can be found here https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4577944


Wemos 3.3V + => Remote +

Wemos GND => Remote -

Wemos PIN D7 => Down Inner Circle

Wemos PIN D6 => Stop Inner Circle

Wemos PIN D5 => Up Inner Circle
