

The objective of this project is to offer an expense tracking app that ensures a seamless user experience, making expense tracking both easy and efficient.

This project embodies my passion for leveraging programming to create valuable tools for others. Additionally, I've consistently integrated materials I've studied in class into this project, continuously refining and enhancing it with newfound knowledge.

I initiated this project in the second week of my Tech Elevator program. Throughout its development, significant refactorings were carried out to incorporate fresh insights and understanding.


  • Sept 18 - Sept 23: Initialized the project and created a basic command-line program.

    • At this stage, the program's functionality was rudimentary, with operations centered around the main entry point.
    • We had just covered foundational Java concepts, such as variables and conditionals.
  • Sept 25 - Sept 30: Transitioned to object-oriented programming.

    • During this refactoring phase, I established multiple classes, each encapsulating their data and respective behaviors.
    • There were certain logical inconsistencies concerning the relationships and behaviors between the user and their list of items.
  • Sept 30 - Oct 7: Implemented a major feature I had eagerly anticipated: the program can now write data to a CSV file and read data from it.

    • Addressed and rectified the logical inconsistencies between the user and their items.
    • Integrated the File I/O component.