React component that makes a bell image/icon or any component/element (all child components) ring/shake within desired duration after being triggered
npm install --save react-ringing-bell
import RingingBell from 'react-ringing-bell';
class MyApp extends React.Component {
// You can trigger the bell/elements to ring here, or any where else! (with the use of "ref")
setInterval(() => {
}, 10000);
// After every 10 seconds, the bell will ring, but you can trigger this ringing-effect elsewhere!
render() {
// You can put 1 or many components inside the <RingingBell>...</RingingBell>, they can be React components, DOM elements, or plain text, all of them will be shaken after being triggered!
// ..but please take a careful look at how the "ref" is used!
return (
<RingingBell effectDuration={8000} ref={(thisBell) => { this._ringingBell = thisBell; }}>
<img src="" style={{width: '100px', height: '100px'}}/>
<div>Ringing Text</div>
effectDuration: Number (miliseconds, default: 8000)
- Duration for the ringing effect
- Call this method whenener you want the bell/elements to ring/shake (please see my example)
- React NPM Boilerplate
- "" for the bell's image
- Add Tests
- Write better instruction
- Create Demo page