
Automatic Windows Light/Dark Mode

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Auto Light/Dark Mode


I made this because f.lux isn't arm64 ready, and I wanted auto light/dark mode on my Surface. And Windows doesn't have that function built in for some reason, even though it already turns on Night Light at Sunset/Sunrise.


  • Location Services turned on - if you don't want to, manually configure Latitude and Longitude
  • PowerShell Execution Policy configured to Bypass or Unrestricted
  • Internet access - if none, manually configure Sunrise and Sunset time
  • Launcher file - required unless you don't mind a window popping up on every run (not recommended)

Setting up Task Scheduler

  • Create a new Task
  • General Tab
    • Select "Run whether user is logged on or not"
    • Select "Do not store password."
  • Triggers Tab
    • Create a trigger "On workstation unlock", "Any user", Enabled
    • Create a second trigger "On a schedule", "One time", Repeat task every 5 minutes for a duration of Indefinitely, Stop task if it runs longer than 3 days, Enabled
  • Actions Tab
    • Start a program
    • Program/script: WScript.exe
    • Arguments: //B "C:<location>\Launcher.VBS" powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -file "C:<location>\AutoLightDarkMode.ps1"
  • Settings Tab
    • (Uncheck everything except these)
    • Allow task to be run on demand
    • Stop the task if it runs longer than 3 days
    • If the running task does not end when requested, force it to stop
    • If the task is already running, then the following rule applies: Do not start a new instance



  • Add pictures of Task Schedule setup
  • Implement local sunrise/sunset calculation using trigonometric calculations