
conTEXT - Lightweight Text Analytics using Linked Data

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Based on Powder.js


Latest Node.js + NPM
Latest MongoDB
Bower (get by running "npm install -g bower")
Gulp (get by running "npm install -g gulp")


Clone & do "npm install"
Change config.js to your needs


For debugging just run "gulp"
For release run "gulp build" to compile js and css and then run "npm start" (or "./bin/context")

Running via Vagrant

Assuming you have vagrant installed, you can run conTEXT with few simple commands:

  1. Execute vagrant up to init & start vagrant environment
  2. Once ready, connect to vagrant box using vagrant ssh
  3. Change to workdir with cd /vagrant
  4. (optional) Install conTEXT with npm install
  5. Run the app with gulp
  6. Open vagrant host on port 8080 in browser and see conTEXT running

Runnin via Docker

Assuming you have docker installed, you can run conTEXT with few simple commands:

  1. (Optional) If you just checked out the repository and have not run npm install be sure to copy config.example.js to config.js manually.
  2. Get MongoDB running either on docker host machine or in separate docker container.
  3. (Optional) If you wish to run MongoDB in a separate docker container first pull it using docker pull dockerfile/mongodb.
    Then run it as a daemon with persistent local folder using:
    docker run -d --name mongodb -v /data/db:/data/db dockerfile/mongodb.
    You will as well need to replace the database connection line in config.js with following:
    exports.db = 'mongodb://' + process.env.MONGODB_PORT_28017_TCP_ADDR + '/context';
  4. Execute docker build -t context . to build new docker image
  5. Once ready, start up the docker container using docker run -d -p 8080:8080 context (you will need to add --link mongodb:mongodb if you want to link it with your MongoDB container)
  6. Open docker host on port 8080 in browser and see conTEXT running


Run "npm test"
