
a javascript tool suite to query wikidata data

Primary LanguageCoffeeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

wikidata A javascript tool-suite to query wikidata and handle its results.

used APIs:


in a terminal at your project root:

npm install wikidata-sdk --save

then in your javascript project:

var wdk = require('wikidata-sdk')


Build queries urls to

search in wikidata entities

var url = wdk.searchEntities('Ingmar Bergman');

or with more parameters:

var search = 'Ingmar Bergman'
var languages = 'fr' // will default to 'en'
var limit = 10 // default 20
var format = 'json' // default to json

var url = wdk.searchEntities(search, languages, limit, format);

this returns a query url that you are then free to request with the tool you like


get entities by id

on the same pattern

var url = wdk.getEntities(ids, languages, properties, format)

properties being wikidata entities' properties: info, sitelinks, labels, descriptions, claims.

ids, languages, properties can get either one single value as a string or several values in a array

get entities reverse claims

In wikidata API answers, you can only access claims on the entity's page, not claims pointing to this entity (what would be in the "what links here" page).

Fortunatly, you can query wikimedia awesome WDQ tool \o/

For instance, let's say you want to find all the entities that have Leo Tolstoy (Q7243) for author (P50)

var url = wdk.getReverseClaims('P50', 'Q7243');

and you can then query the obtained entities ids

request(url, function(err, response){
  if err dealWithError(err);
  var entities = wdk.parse.wdq.entities(response);
  var url2 = wdk.getEntities(entities);
  request(url2 ....

it also work for string values: e.g. let's say you want to find which book as 978-0-465-06710-7 for ISBN-13 (P212):

var url = wdk.getReverseClaims('P212', '978-0-465-06710-7');

Other utils

simplify claims results

For each entities claims, Wikidata's API returns a deep object that requires some parsing that could be avoided for simple uses.

So instead of:

"P279": [
    "rank": "normal",
    "type": "statement",
    "mainsnak": {
      "datavalue": {
        "type": "wikibase-entityid",
        "value": {
          "numeric-id": 340169,
          "entity-type": "item"
      "datatype": "wikibase-item",
      "property": "P279",
      "snaktype": "value"
    "id": "Q571$0115863d-4f02-0337-38c2-5e2bb7a0f628"
    "rank": "normal",
    "type": "statement",
    "mainsnak": {
      "datavalue": {
        "type": "wikibase-entityid",
        "value": {
          "numeric-id": 2342494,
          "entity-type": "item"
      "datatype": "wikibase-item",
      "property": "P279",
      "snaktype": "value"
    "id": "Q571$04c87c4e-4bce-a9ab-eb75-d9a3ed695077"
    "rank": "normal",
    "type": "statement",
    "mainsnak": {
      "datavalue": {
        "type": "wikibase-entityid",
        "value": {
          "numeric-id": 386724,
          "entity-type": "item"
      "datatype": "wikibase-item",
      "property": "P279",
      "snaktype": "value"
    "id": "Q571$afe3b5c3-424e-eb7b-60e6-c2ce0d122823"

we could have

P279: [ 'Q340169', 'Q2342494', 'Q386724' ]

you just need to pass your entity' claims object to simplifyClaims as such:

var simpleClaims = wdk.simplifyClaims(claims);

in your workflow, that could give something like:

var url = wdk.getEntities('Q535');
request(url, function(err, response){
  if err dealWithError(err);
  var entity = response.entities.Q535;
  entity.claims = wdk.simplifyClaims(entity.claims);


  • isNumericId
  • isWikidataId
  • isWikidataEntityId
  • isWikidataPropertyId
  • normalizeId
  • normalizeIds
  • normalizeWikidataTime
  • toPropertiesArray

A little CoffeeScript / Promises workflow demo

that's how I love to work :)

breq = require 'bluereq' # a little request lib returning bluebird-based promises

ids = ['Q647268', 'Q771376', 'Q860998', 'Q965704']
url = wdk.getEntities ids, user.language

entities = breq.get(url).then wdk.parse.wd.entities

# do useful stuff with those entities data
