This is an easy way to upload images through ajax request using Laravel and Angularjs
first we will add angular code:
```javascript var app = angular.module('app', []);app.controller('uploadsController', function($scope, $http) { $scope.uploadImage = function(files) { var formData = new FormData(); formData.append("file", files[0]); $scope.showLoader = true; response = $'/upload/image', formData, { headers: {'Content-Type': undefined }, transformRequest: angular.identity }).success(function(data) { if(data.success){ $scope.showLoader = false; } }); }); });
<p>Inside our view in laravel application:</p>
<div ng-controller="uploadsController">
<input type="file" name="file" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().uploadImage(this.files)">
We can add a loader image to our view template and show it using ng-show :
```html ```Here I use Intervention Image for the upload process, For more info about integration in Laravel click here..
'uploadImage' function in the backend inside our controller:
```php class UploadsController extends \BaseController {public function uploadImage(){
$file = Input::file('file');
if ($file!=null) {
$ext = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
$image_name = str_random(15).'.'.$ext;
if (!file_exists(public_path().'/uploads/images')) {
return Response::json([ 'success' => true ]);
<p>last thing we need is to add our route:</p>
Route::post('upload/image' , 'UploadsController@uploadImage');