
Small ML-inspired type-inferred functional language

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Small Type-Inferred Functional Language

Simple ML-inspired purely functional language with Hindley Milner type inferrence.

Language features

  • Functions
    • Functions may only take one argument.
    • fn x => y
    • Top-level functions are anonymous functions bound to a name.
      • f = fn x => ...;
    • Implicit generalized bindings
  • Function invocation
    • f x
    • Currying!
      • f x y = (f x) y
  • if-then-else expressions
    • if cond then ifTrue else ifFalse
  • let bindings
    • let x = y in z
  • Tuples
    • (a, b, c)
  • Lists
    • [a, b, c]
  • Undefined
    • ?
    • Throws an error at runtime.
    • Only natural expression with bottom type as result.
  • Types
    • 32-bit integers
    • Booleans
    • Functions (t1 -> t2)
    • Tuples ((t1, t2, t3))
    • Lists ([t])
    • Type variables ('t)
    • Unit (())
    • Bottom (_)
      • Unifies with everything.
      • Expressions may not manually be typed with _.
      • May only be inferred from usage of ?.
  • Type annotations
    • x: T
  • Type inferrence
    • f = fn x => x; => f: 'a -> 'a
    • f = fn isZero => if isZero 1 then 2 else 3; => f: (Int -> Bool) -> Int


  • Parsing
    • AST
    • Error recovery
  • Symbol binding
  • Type checking
    • Type annotation
    • Constraint generation
    • Constraint solver
  • Error reporting
  • Interpreter
  • Code generation
    • Bytecode