
Live Link: Sprout App

GitHub Repo: Sprout Client


Ashley Oelbaum, Christopher Martin, Martha Plantz, Nicholas Gunter, Whitney Wallace, Mantong Zhao

What is Sprout?

Sprout is a formative assessment tool used to help teachers deliver specific, goal-oriented, and timely feedback in the classroom.

Demo Account:

See what Sprout has to offer by using these login credentials:

Email: Teacher@email.com

Password: Password1!


Teacher Dashboard:

Create an exit ticket before starting a session:

Goal Session in use:

Teacher View of real-time Exit Ticket responses:

Teacher View of students ready for a check-in:

Student Dashboard View of learning target and personalized goal:

Student Self-Evaluation:

Data Views:


What's to come in Sprout:

  1. Tooltips for dataview
  2. Allow parents to create an account
  3. Present student/class data for parents
  4. Allow teachers to have multiple classes
  5. Teachers can reset forgotten passwords
  6. Calendar functionality

Set up

  • Clone the repo both client and server: Sprout client Sprout Server
  • Start the application npm start
  • Start nodemon for the application npm run dev
  • Run the tests npm test


When your new project is ready for deployment, add a new Heroku application with heroku create. This will make a new git remote called "heroku" and you can then npm run deploy which will push to this remote's master branch.

Tech Stack - Frontend

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • HTML5
  • CSS

Tech Stack - Backend

  • Node.js
  • PostgreSQL


  • Socket.io
  • Express
  • Knex

Testing - Frontend

  • Jest

Testing - Backend

  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • Supertest


1. /api/register/teacher

  • Expects request body containing: password, full_name, email
  • Responds with: an object containing id, full_name, email

2. /api/register/student

  • Expects request body containing: full_name and class_id
  • Responds with: an object containing id, full_name, user_name, and class_id

3. /api/auth/teacher/login

  • Expects request body containing: email and password
  • Responds with: an email and an authToken

4. /api/auth/student/login

  • Expects request body containing: a username
  • Responds with: a username

5. GET /api/class

  • Responds with:

[ {

"id": 5,
"class_title": "5th Grade",
"classcode": 8321,
"teacher_id": 5,
"date_created": "2019-09-19T18:05:03.608Z",
"date_modified": null

}, {

"id": 6,
"class_title": "math",
"classcode": 148447,
"teacher_id": 5,
"date_created": "2019-09-19T21:58:33.883Z",
"date_modified": null

}, ]

6. POST /api/class

  • Expects request body containing: a class_title

7. GET /api/class/:classId/students

  • Responds with:

[ {

    "full_name": "Student a",
    "user_name": "sa",
    "goal": "write a story about the favorite thing you did during the summer",
    "iscomplete": false,
    "subgoal": "brainstorm 3 ideas"
    "full_name": "Student b",
    "user_name": "sb",
    "goal": "write a story about the favorite thing you did during the summer",
    "iscomplete": false,
    "subgoal": null
    "full_name": "Student c",
    "user_name": "sc",
    "goal": "write a story about the favorite thing you did during the summer",
    "iscomplete": false,
    "subgoal": null


8. POST /api/subgoals/:student_goal_id

9. DELETE /api/subgoals/subgoal/:subgoal_id

  • Responds with: 204

10. PATCH /api/subgoals/subgoal/:subgoal_id

  • Responds with: 204

11. GET /api/goals/class/:class_id

  • Responds with:


"goals": [

        "id": 2,
        "class_id": 3,
        "goal_title": "write a paragraph about your summer",
        "goal_description": "write a story about the favorite thing you did during the summer",
        "date_created": "2019-09-20T16:59:08.641Z",
        "deadline": null,
        "date_completed": null
"subgoals": [
        "id": 6,
        "student_goal_id": 6,
        "subgoal_title": "create an ideas list",
        "subgoal_description": "write down some fun things you remember doing during the summer",
        "date_created": "2019-09-20T16:59:08.641Z",
        "iscomplete": false,
        "class_id": 3,
        "student_id": 11,
        "goal_id": 1


12. POST /api/goals/class/:class_id

13. GET /api/goals/student/:student_id

  • Responds with:


"goals": [

        "id": 1,
        "class_id": 4,
        "goal_title": "write a paragraph about your summer",
        "goal_description": "write a story about the favorite thing you did during the summer",
        "date_created": "2019-09-18T21:28:17.067Z",
        "deadline": null,
        "date_completed": null,
        "student_id": 16,
        "goal_id": 1,
        "iscomplete": false
"subgoals": [
        "id": 1,
        "student_goal_id": 1,
        "goal_title": "create an ideas list",
        "goal_description": "write down some fun things you remember doing during the summer",
        "date_created": "2019-09-18T21:28:17.067Z",
        "iscomplete": false,
        "class_id": 4,
        "student_id": 16,
        "goal_id": 1


14. DELETE /api/goals/goal/:goal_id

  • Responds with: 204

15. PATCH /api/goals/goal/:goal_id

  • Responds with: 204

16. PATCH /api/studentgoals/learning_target/:class_id/:student_id/:goal_id

  • Responds with: 204

17. PATCH /api/studentgoals/subgoal/:subgoal_id

  • Responds with: 204