Petful Api

Data Structure:

Cats and dogs are stored in queues.


A GET request will peek into the queue and return the first animal in the queue.

Sample request:

app.get('/api/cat', (req,res) => { res.json(catQueue.peek()); });

Sample response (animal peeked):

{ "imageURL": "", "imageDescription": "Orange bengal cat with black stripes lounging on concrete.", "name": "Fluffy", "sex": "Female", "age": 2, "breed": "Bengal", "story": "Thrown on the street" }


When a user clicks "Adopt!" a DELETE request is sent. The DELETE request dequeues the first animal from the queue.

Sample request:

app.delete('/api/cat', (req,res) => { res.json(catQueue.dequeue()); });

Sample response (animal deleted):

{ "imageURL": "", "imageDescription": "Orange bengal cat with black stripes lounging on concrete.", "name": "Fluffy", "sex": "Female", "age": 2, "breed": "Bengal", "story": "Thrown on the street" }


Target Audience: Animal Lovers

MVP features: adopt a cat or adopt a dog

Tech Stack: Express and Node on the backend, React/Redux on the frontend.

Future plans: allow users to add animals, allow users to choose which breed displays, put data in a database.