
What's Cooking Client

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Not sure what to cook for your next meal?

What's Cooking can help you. Without logging in, you can:

  • Browse through the recipe list for meal ideas
  • Click on a recipe to view detailed instructions
  • Need inspiration? Click the "Surprise Me" button to generate a random recipe.
  • Add a new recipe to the "What's Cooking?" app by clicking on the "+ Add Recipe" button


  • ⚠️ A user does not need to login in order to use my app
  • The current database only has about 20 recipes
  • Future/Extension features will include multiple users with the ability to save recipes, create, edit, and delete recipes on their dashboard


MVP Requirements (completed)

✅ A description of your app

✅ A link to a deployed version

Screenshots of your app

✅ A description of your tech stack

  • React for the frontend
  • Redux for state management
  • Node for the backend
  • MongoDB for the database

✅ A brief description of where each of the key parts of the project live in your codebase


  • public: contains index.html
  • src: contains most of the dynamic UI files such as components, actions, reducers, and client side tests

condensed recipe view


  • db: contains the recipe data used for test, development, & production
  • models: contains recipe schema
  • public: index.html for server side (for developement)
  • routes: recipe routes & endpoints (basic CRUD)
  • test: server tests
  • utils: used to seed the database

condensed recipe view

✅ If your app is meant to be re-used by other developers, instructions on how to get the app up and running (see below)

Instructions for Developers

In development, your local machine should have Node.js and Mongo set up

  1. Clone both the server and client side of this app:
  • Server or git clone https://github.com/thinkful-ei26/trisha-wc-server.git
  • Client or git clone https://github.com/thinkful-ei26/trisha-wc-client.git
  1. npm install the requirements on each of the repos
  2. Run mongod in a separate terminal shell.
  3. Open a new terminal shell and then cd into the server side and run node server.js
  4. Finally, cd into the client side and run npm start in a new terminal shell. A new browser window should open containing the app.

User Stories


1. User can see a list of recipes when they first open the app.

All recipes in the list default to a "condensed" view showing only:

  • recipe title
  • image
  • description

condensed recipe view

2. My app will find and import enough recipes for it to be useful.

Using mLab and Mongo for production database

mlab database

3. User can click on “Surprise Me!” button and a random recipe will be generated.

surprise btn

4. When a user clicks on a recipe they are taken to a display with "detailed" view.

Detailed view expands to additionally display:**

  • Ingredients
  • Directions
  • Number of servings
  • Prep time
  • Cooking time 

detailed recipe view

5. User can add a new recipe to the recipe list. 

When a user clicks on "+ Add Recipe", they are taken to this create new recipe form.

  • Recipe title
  • Description
  • Ingredients
  • Image url
  • Number of servings
  • Prep time 
  • Cook time

add recipe form

6. User will receive the appropriate error feedback when they cannot submit a new recipe.

validation on add recipe form

🚧 Post MVP 🚧

  • Landing page: On first visit, instructions containing how to use the app will render. Subsequent visits/reload will not render the first-time div, but you can click on "INFO" button to see the instructions again.**
  • User can click on "INFO" for instructions on how to use the app
  • User can search a recipe using the search box
  • User can filter the recipe list by the example categories below:
    • Filter by:
    • Dairy-free
    • Vegetarian
    • Gluten-free
    • Slow Cooker
    • Under 30 Minutes
    • Freezer Friendly
    • Kid Friendly
  • User can filter the recipe list a by ingredients
  • User can edit a recipe
  • User can print the desired recipe
  • User can bookmark a recipe
  • Multiple users, who can have their own “playlist” of favorite recipes. When you hit surprise me, it’ll pull from your own recipe playlist
  • Share button (FaceBook, E-mail, SMS)
  • Upload a photo as opposed to a URL
  • User can link other recipes and save it on their recipe playlist



Condensed recipe list on page load:

Condensed recipe list on page load

React components condensed view:

Components condensed view

What's Cooking App Info:

What's Cooking App Info

Recipe list detailed view:

Recipe detailed view

Create a new recipe:

Create a new recipe


After MVP, at minimum I want to be able to filter by category. It's the fate of lactose-intolerant people like me.

Filter by a category

filter by category