
A benchmarking tool for RPC services

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


rpc-perf is a tool for measuring the performance of RPC services and is primarily used to benchmark caching systems.

License: Apache-2.0 Build Status: CI


Getting rpc-perf

rpc-perf is built through the cargo command which ships with rust. If you don't have Rust installed, you can use rustup to manage your Rust installation. Otherwise, follow the instructions on rust-lang.org to get Rust and Cargo installed. rpc-perf is developed and tested against the stable Rust toolchain.

Build from source

With Rust installed, clone this repo, and cd into this folder:

git clone https://github.com/iopsystems/rpc-perf.git
cd rpc-perf
cargo build --release

This will produce a binary at target/release/rpc-perf which can be run in-place or copied to a more convenient location on your system.


rpc-perf takes a configuration file to define the test parameters and runtime options.

Sample Usage

BEWARE rpc-perf can write to its target and can generate many requests

  • run only if data in the server can be lost/destroyed/corrupted/etc
  • run only if you understand the impact of sending high-levels of traffic across your network
# run rpc-perf using the specified configuration file
rpc-perf configs/memcache.toml


  • Start with a short test before moving on to tests spanning larger periods of time
  • If comparing latency between two setups, be sure to set a ratelimit that's achievable on both
  • Keep --clients below the number of cores on the machine generating workload
  • Increase --poolsize as necessary to simulate production-like connection numbers
  • You may need to use multiple machines to generate enough workload and/or connections to the target
  • Log your configuration and results to make repeating and sharing experiments easy
  • Use waterfalls to help visualize latency distribution over time and see anomalies


  • high-resolution latency metrics
  • supports memcache and redis protocols
  • optional waterfall visualization of latencies
  • powerful workload configuration


If you want to submit a patch, please follow these steps:

  1. create a new issue
  2. fork on github & clone your fork
  3. create a feature branch on your fork
  4. push your feature branch
  5. create a pull request linked to the issue


This software is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, see LICENSE for details.