
Use qs module to parse query & post data, support array & object value

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status npm

Use qs module to parse query & post data, support array & object value.For example, the string 'foo[bar]=baz' converts to:

foo: {
  bar: 'baz'


npm install think-qs

think-qs need thinkjs version >=3.2.2.

How to use

Config file src/config/middleware.js (in multi mode, file is src/common/config/middleware.js), add middleware after payload:

const qs = require('think-qs');
module.exports = [
    handle: 'payload'
    handle: qs,
    options: {


After config, you can get array & object value by this.get or this.post in controller.


This middleware support follow options:

  • query: true, enable use qs to parse querystring
  • post: true, enable use qs to parse post data

You can find more options from https://github.com/ljharb/qs.


If you use this middleware, you must be careful about security. some ORM support array/object in where conditions, it may be cause SQL injections.

// http://docs.sequelizejs.com/manual/tutorial/querying.html
  where: {
    id: this.get('id')

In here, we want id is an integer, but when url is /pathname?id[$gt]=6, id value is an object:

  $gt: 6

then where conditions is not we wanted, it caused SQL injection. you can config logic to resolve this security problems.

module.exports = class extends think.Logic {
  indexAction() {
    this.rules = {
      id: {
        int: true

you can get more information about logic from https://thinkjs.org/zh-cn/doc/3.0/logic.html.