Code Challenge Solution

This is a solution to the code challenge built using React JS, Browserify, LessCSS, Gulp and EventEmitter in Flux-style. A running demo can be found here:


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Build the project by running gulp in the project root
  3. Open dist/index-1.0.1.html in a browser


The app is composed of 3 distinct parts:

  1. Models: Contain the app data. Decoupled and independent of other parts of the app. They have no knowledge of views.

  2. Components: Contain the app views in the form of React components. Decoupled from the rest of the app. They have no knowledge of models.

  3. Events: The glue that connects models and components. Events are broadcast from models and components, and responded to by listeners that make changes to models and re-render components.


  • Intricate States: Various elements are displayed, hidden or styled based on context, for example:

    • Play button changes style when a clip is being played
    • Save button is hidden if clip has no data in any of its fields
    • Video stops playing when a different clip is selected for editing
  • Inline Clip Editing: Rather than jarring the user with new interface elements for adding and editing clips, clips are modified inline in a WYSIWYG fashion.

  • Data Loads in Parallel: In the loadAll() method of the models/models object, you will notice the use of the nimble library to load the clips and fullVideo models in parallel.

  • Continuous Build: Gulp has been setup to watch changes in the code and automatically build the project upon changes.

  • Automated Versioning: The build process uses the version number in package.json to create files and folders with version numbers for easy cache invalidation and version tracking.

  • Event Tracking: Open the console while using the site and notice all events being logged. This can be extended easily to save all user interactions to a statistics backend.

  • Object Inheritance: The fullVideo model inherits from the clip model using prototypical inheritance.

  • Deployed and Hosted on CDN: The running demo is currently hosted on AWS S3 & Cloudfront and scalable to millions of users.

  • Liquid layout: When the browser is expanded or contracted, elements adjust accordingly to fit on screen.

Sources of Improvement

  • Data validation: The startTime and endTime of a clip expect the format hh:mm:ss, but there is currently no validation or masks for these inputs, or other inputs.

  • Detect when a clip finishes playing: When a clip finishes playing, no app events are fired to update the UI or perform other actions.

  • Add safeguards when deleting clips: Clicking the clip delete button instantly deletes a clip without confirmation or safeguards.

  • Mobile compatibility: I did not verify whether the app looks good on mobile OS's (android, ios, wp, etc.).

  • IE compatibility: Media fragments are not fully supported in IE/Edge, an improved solution would be to use Javascript to navigate the video.

  • Production Gulp Task: Currently there is only a development gulp build task that does not minify, concatenate, etc.


I would be happy to give a guided tour of the code at any time.