trino(presto), minio docker 테스트 환경

Run, Initialize

$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "trino_default" with the default driver
Creating minio ... done
Creating trino ... done

# create catalog, data directory 
$ rclone --config local.conf mkdir local:catalog
$ rclone --config local.conf mkdir local:data


$ cat 1.json

# test data copy
$ rclone --config local.conf copy 1.json local:data/sample/

dbeaver 같은 툴로 trino 연결

-- hive 의 schema(db) 생성 
create schema hive.default;

-- table 생성 
create table hive.default.sample (
  id varchar,
  name varchar
with (
  format = 'json',
  external_location = 's3a://data/sample/'

-- select 
select * from sample;