
WordPress boilerplate with modern development tools, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure

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Fork of Bedrock.

Bedrock is a modern WordPress stack that helps you get started with the best development tools and project structure.

Much of the philosophy behind Bedrock is inspired by the Twelve-Factor App methodology including the WordPress specific version.


  • Better folder structure
  • Dependency management with Composer
  • Easy WordPress configuration with environment specific files
  • Environment variables with Dotenv
  • Autoloader for mu-plugins (use regular plugins as mu-plugins)
  • Enhanced security (separated web root and secure passwords with wp-password-bcrypt)



  1. Create a new project:
    $ composer create-project roots/bedrock
  2. Update environment variables in the .env file. Wrap values that may contain non-alphanumeric characters with quotes, or they may be incorrectly parsed.
  • Database variables
    • DB_NAME - Database name
    • DB_USER - Database user
    • DB_PASSWORD - Database password
    • DB_HOST - Database host
    • Optionally, you can define DATABASE_URL for using a DSN instead of using the variables above (e.g. mysql://user:password@
  • WP_ENV - Set to environment (development, staging, production)
  • WP_HOME - Full URL to WordPress home (https://example.com)
  • WP_SITEURL - Full URL to WordPress including subdirectory (https://example.com/wp)
  1. Add theme(s) in web/app/themes/ as you would for a normal WordPress site
  2. Set the document root on your webserver to Bedrock's web folder: /path/to/site/web/
  3. Access WordPress admin at https://example.com/wp/wp-admin/

Bedrock sponsors

Help support our open-source development efforts becoming a GitHub sponsor or patron.

KM Digital Carrot C21 Redwood Realty WordPress.com Pantheon


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