
DE1SoC VGA and Audio

Primary LanguageVerilog


Clone the Hardware Project and Linux source code


git clone https://github.com/thinkoco/de1soc_media.git


git clone https://git.oschina.net/thinkoco/de1soc_media.git


git clone https://github.com/thinkoco/linux-socfpga.git


git clone https://git.oschina.net/thinkoco/linux-socfpga.git
cd linux-socfpga
git checkout -b de1soc_audio origin/socfpga-3.17_audio

Compile Hardware Project

Install Quartus II On Linux ,these may be help for you. USB Blaster II on Linux Installing DS-5 on "Unsupported" Linux Distros

1.add the 'ip/i2s' Path to the ip library in Qsys Open the Hardware project in de1soc_media

Open Qsys-->Tools-->IP Search Path-->Add,add the 'xxxx/ip/i2s' path

2.Compile the Qsys

Open the soc_system.qsys,Click 'Generate HDL'	

3.Compile project

Click the 'Start Compilation'

4.Convert programming files,in shell run the command

quartus_cpf -c DE1_SOC_Linux_Audio.sof soc_system.rbf
need the "quartus_cpf" path in PATH environment

Generate uboot.img and PreloaderWithHeader.img

1.run altera embedded command shell


2.Generate Bsp and Uboot


According to the steps Generating and Compiling the Preloader

3.make bsp and uboot

cd to 'project path'/software/spl_bsp/
make -j4
cd to'project path'/software/spl_bsp/uboot-socfpga/

4.generate preloader_with_header.img

copy the u-boot-spl.bin form 'software/spl_bsp/uboot-socfpga/spl' to 'software/spl_bsp'
cd to 'project path'/software/spl_bsp/
mkpimage -o preloader_with_header.img u-boot-spl.bin -hv 0
Image path Description
preloader_with_header.img software/spl_bsp preloader
u-boot.img software/spl_bsp/uboot-socfpga u-boot

Write the uboot Image to SD Card

Write Terasic de1soc_ubuntu_1604.img to SD Card on Linux PC,Check which disk is your SD card.Change the sdX according to your situation.

sudo dd if=preloader_with_header.img of=/dev/sdX3 bs=64k seek=0
sudo dd if=u-boot.img of=/dev/sdX3 bs=64k seek=4
sudo sync

add Tool Chain to Path

about Path environment,Write the following to env.sh file,change paths for your situation.

export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=/home/tank/app/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.9-xxxxxxxx/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-
export LOADADDR=0x8000
export QUARTUS_ROOTDIR=~/altera/14.1/quartus
export ALTERAOCLSDKROOT=~/altera/14.1/hld
export PATH=$PATH:${QUARTUS_ROOTDIR}/bin:${ALTERAOCLSDKROOT}/linux64/bin:${ALTERAOCLSDKROOT}/bin:~/altera/14.1/embedded/ds-5/bin
export QUARTUS_64BIT=1
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=~/altera/license.dat
export PATH=$PATH:/home/tank/app/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.9-xxxxxxxx/bin

Build zImage and Device Tree

source env.sh
cd to linux-socfpga
cp Linux_config .config
make zImage
make socfpga_audio.dtb

Also, you can build the zImage and dtb on Win 10 Linux Subsystem or Cygwin.

Copy The rbf zImage dtb to SD Card FAT Partition

Image rename Description
zImage zImage
socfpga_audio.dtb socfpga.dtb
soc_system.rbf soc_system.rbf

use the alsamixer choose the Line out on DE1_SOC

on DE1_SOC run


use "M" to change the Output Line to DE1_SOC HIFI ,then

aplay jouHisaishi.wav