
TS Environment is our brew install script that turns Mac OSX into a Drupal development server.

Primary LanguageShell

TS Environment

Current walkthrough scripts: New Laptop Setup - Non-Developer and New Laptop Setup - Developer

Sets you up with a server environment on a Mac for Drupal development. If you need examples of how to install common packages with Homebrew, checkout environment_setup.sh

Getting Started:

cd ~
xcode-select --install
git clone git@github.com:thinkshout/ts_environment.git
cd ts_environment

Once installed you can upgrade your packages to the current stable versions like so:

brew update
brew upgrade

Manual steps:

After installing development tools, you'll need to set the password for MariaDB:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Set login to root and password to root and answer yes to all the questions in the wizard.

Switching PHP versions

You can switch php version using the sphp command. Examples:

PHP - 7.1:

sphp 7.1

PHP to the latest version (the one supported by homebrew):

sphp X.X # Where X.X is the current version of php.


  • Be careful when running brew upgrade - sometimes formulas can change, and your environment may change or break in subtle ways.
  • Be prepared to deal with brew upgrade fallout, and update only when necessary, or at a low-risk time.
  • Be very sure you know what Homebrew is telling you when it makes "helpful" suggestions.

PHP Coding Standards

This script no longer installs php-code-sniffer. Install and configure it using the following:

  1. install via homebrew:
brew install php-code-sniffer
  1. Verify that you see coding standards:
phpcs -i
The installed coding standards are MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR12, PSR2, Squiz, and Zend
  1. Create a local Standards folder to add symlinks to the Drupal and WP coding standards:
mkdir php-code-sniffer;mkdir php-code-sniffer/Standards;cd php-code-sniffer/Standards
  1. Create symlinks to your Composer-installed standards:
ln -s ~/.composer/global/drupal/coder/vendor/drupal/coder/coder_sniffer/Drupal Drupal
ln -s ~/.composer/global/wp-coding-standards/wpcs/vendor/wp-coding-standards/wpcs/WordPress-Core WordPress-Core
  1. Verify that you see coding the updated standards:
phpcs -i
The installed coding standards are MySource, PEAR, PSR1, PSR12, PSR2, Squiz, Zend, Drupal and WordPress-Core
  1. Configure PHPstorm to use the correct version of Codesniffer:
  • open PHPstorm and go to the Preferences screen
  • go to "Languages & Frameworks" -> "PHP" -> "Code Sniffer"
  • click the "..." next to the configuration and validate
  1. Configure PHPstorm to use Codesniffer's Drupal Standards:
  • in PHPstorm preferences, go to "Editor" -> "Inspections"
  • in the settings tree on the right, find "PHP" -> "PHP Code Sniffer validation" and select it
  • All the way on the right, find the "Code Sniffing Standards" drop-down and select "Drupal"