Demo for Keycloak Integration in ASP.NET Core and Angular.



docker-compose up

to start Keycloak, the API and Angular Frontend.


System Url
Keycloak http://localhost:8080
API http://localhost:5000
Frontend http://localhost:4200


Username Password Description
editor editor Can create posts and delete not published posts
publisher publisher Can publish and unpublish posts
legal lega Can unpublish posts

Point of interest


File Description
startup.cs Configures Jwt Bearer authentication to use Keycloak
KeycloakRolesClaimsTransformation.cs Transforms keycloak role claims to be compatible with ASP.NET
startup.cs Configures authorization with Keycloak
KeycloakAuthorization\KeycloakAuthorizationHandler.cs Authorization handler that makes decision call to Keycloak


File Description
keycloakAuthorization.service.ts Authorization Service that makes decision call to Keycloak.
security.service.ts Security service that checks the roles of the user.
auth.guard.ts Auth guard to protect routes.