
Rx functional interface to Facebook's React

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An RxJS functional interface to Facebook's React.

Cycle-React allows users to write React applications in functional style and represents their UIs as Observables. In addition, Cycle-React is immutable and optimizes the component updates internally by default.

Additionally, Cycle-React is also a React-style implementation of a beautiful framework called Cycle.js.


npm install cycle-react react rx


const Cycle = require('cycle-react');
const React = require('react');
const ReactDOM = require('react-dom');

const Hello = Cycle.component('Hello', function computer(interactions) {
  return interactions.get('OnNameChanged')
    .map(ev => ev.target.value)
    .map(name =>
        <input type="text" onChange={interactions.listener('OnNameChanged')} />
        <hr />
        <h1>Hello {name}</h1>

  <Hello />,

The input of the function computer is interactions, a collection containing all user interaction events happening on the user-defined event handlers on the DOM, which you can query using interactions.get(eventName). And the event handler can be defined by interactions.listener(eventName).

The output of the computer is Observable<ReactElement> (a reactive sequence of elements, in other words, view).

Function component subscribes that Observable of elements and create a new React component class, which can be used normally by React.createElement and ReactDOM.render.

Notice that although class is mentioned here, you don't have to use it. That's why Cycle-React was made. We took functions over classes and mutable states.

You can learn more about the concept behind applyToDOM and Cycle from André's amazing presentation: "What if the user was a function?"

React component example

const Cycle = require('cycle-react');
const React = require('react');
const ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
const Rx = require('rx');

// "component" returns a native React component which can be used normally
// by "React.createElement".
const Counter = Cycle.component('Counter', function (interactions, props) {
  return props.get('counter').map(counter =>
    <h3>Seconds Elapsed: {counter}</h3>

const Timer = Cycle.component('Timer', function () {
  return Rx.Observable.interval(1000).map(i =>
    <Counter counter={i} />

  <Timer />,

Learn more

Cycle-React is a React-style implementation of Cycle.js, so we have the same concept of handling user interactions. Learn more on: http://cycle.js.org/dialogue.html

In addition, we're working on the documentation site for Cycle-React with more useful examples, too. Stay tuned!

React Native

To use Cycle-React with React Native, import Cycle-React with cycle-react/native. Example can be found at examples/native

var {component} = require('cycle-react/native');
var Rx = require('rx');
var Hello = component('Hello', () =>


Can I use Cycle-React with Flux (e.g. redux)

Absolutely. Since Cycle-React's component creates native React components, there's nothing stopping you from using Flux architecture.

HOWEVER, we don't really recommend to use Flux when you already had Rx or other event stream libraries at your disposal. Instead, we recommend the MVI architecture which also achieves unidirectional data flow. See "Reactive MVC and the Virtual DOM" and "Good bye Flux, welcome Bacon/Rx?" for more details.

Can I use Cycle-React with react-hot-loader?

Yes. And no extra configuration needed.


Can I use Cycle-React with other React components and libraries?

Yes. You can also integrate Cycle-React with your current React apps. Because component creates the native React component for you.

Examples for integrating Cycle-React with other libraries are work in progress.

Meanwhile, See "Working with React" for guidelines.

Run examples

npm run examples starts an HTTP server that shows examples


  • Ask "how do I...?" questions in Cycle-React's Gitter:
  • Propose and discuss significant changes as a GitHub issues

Contributions and thanks

  • @cem2ran for adding the support of React Native
  • @corps for implementing the render scheduler feature


The MIT License