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The identify protocol (IDFY) requests a node to somehow identify itself in the physical world. This currently means lighting up or blinking a dedicated LED or changing the behaviour of an LED that otherwise does something else.

What is this repository for?

  • TinyOS code for reacting to "identify" messages.
  • Version 0.2


The IDFY protocol mainly consists of control and status messages. Control messages are sent in order to get the target to perform the identify action. The target responds with a status message that indicates the current status of the identify action and the time remaining until the end of the current action. Additionally it is possible to separately query the device for the state of an ongoing identify activity.

Protocol version

Every IDFY packet starts with the protocol version byte. The version byte is split into two 4-bit values, indicating the major and minor versions of the protocol, semantic versioning principles are used. A version error response is sent when a device receives a packet from an incompatible version.

Protocol authorization

Control messages need to contain an authorization value. This is a 16 byte buffer, commonly used with string based human-readable passwords that are terminated and padded until the end with \0 bytes. It is also possible to use non-printable values, when using an authorization token or something similar. Status requests do not require authorization and can also be used to discover the protocol version of the device.

Protocol packets

See IdentifyProtocol.h for details and packet structures.

IDFY control

idfy_control_msg_t with header value 0x02. Set value to 1 to start the IDFY action, set to 0 to stop an active IDFY. Specify a time period in milliseconds for the action to take place. The time period value is automatically corrected by the target if it is too short and may be limited to some device specific maximum value (usually 5 mintues).

IDFY request

idfy_request_msg_t with header value 0x01. Allows the current status of the action to be requested.

IDFY status

idfy_status_msg_t with header value 0x10. Includes the current state of the action (0 or 1) and time remaining if active.

Protocol errors

Protocol errors are reported with the idfy_error_msg_t packet with the header value 0xFF. The packets contain an error code and optionally a human-readable ASCII encoded message.

Common use case

Send identify_control_msg_t with value 1 and time 60000 (60 seconds). Expect to receive a response identify_status_msg_t with the value 1. Look around to visually identify the device which is now behaving differently. Once the device has been found, send identify_control_msg_t with value 0 and expect to receive a response confirming that the action was stopped. If the stop command is not sent, then the action stops after 60 seconds automatically.

Sending a control message with time 0 causes the identify module to perform the shortest possible activity, but this may mean that visual identification is possible only when looking at the device from the start. Maximum identify action time is usually limited to 5 minutes.

How do I get set up?

For TinyOS development:

  • Include the repository as a submodule.
  • Include the tos/lib/identify folder.
  • Include the tos/lib/indicators folder.
  • Include IdentifyC in your TinyOS application.