Base 9, nonary, conversions, to/from balanced ternary (2-trit groups) and integers
var nonary2n = require('nonary').nonary2n;
var n2nonary = require('nonary').n2nonary;
var nonary2bts = require('nonary').nonary2bts;
var bts2nonary = require('nonary').bts2nonary;
n2nonary(-29524); // 'zzzzz'
nonary2n('zzzzz'); // -29524
bts2nonary('iiiiii111100'); // 'zzzdd0'
nonary2bts('zzzdd0'); // 'iiiiii111100'
Digit values 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, -1, -2, -3, and -4 correspond to nonary digits a, b, c, d, 0, w, x, y, and z, and balanced ternary 00, 01, 1i, 10, 11, 0i, i1, i0, and ii.
Currently supports balanced nonary only (-4 to +4).
Analogous to octal (base 8) for binary, where each octal digit represents 3 bits; each nonary (base 9) digit represents 2 trits. Compact representation for balanced-ternary.