
Build a simple todo list by building and interacting with a smart contract!

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Full Stack Web3 todo app

This project demonstrates how you can build a full web3 application that allows users to create an on-chain to-do list, using Solidity for the smart contract and Next.js for the application.


  • React SDK: To access the connected wallet, switch the user's network, and claim an NFT from our Edition Drop collection.
  • Deploy: To deploy a custom todo smart contract and use it on our frontend using the React sdk.

Using This Template

Create a project using this example:

npx thirdweb create --template todo-list
  • Go into the contracts folder:
cd contracts
  • Deploy the smart contract:
npx thirdweb deploy
  • Copy the contract address and paste it into the contractAddress variable in pages/index.js.

How It Works

Using Deploy, we first deploy the contract, then we can use it in our dapp using the thirdweb react sdk.

Next, we use the useContractData to get all the todos, and map through it to display them on the page.

Adding todos

We use the Web3Button UI component from thirdweb and pass in the contract address and onClick event to it. In the onClick function we are calling the setTodo function on the contract with the input:

<div className={styles.todoForm}>
    onChange={(e) => setInput(e.target.value)}
    placeholder="Enter todo"

    action={(contract) => contract.call("setTodo", input)}
    Set Todo

Deleting the todos

Where we map through all the todos we will add another Web3Button component that will call the deleteTodo function on the contract:

  {data.map((item: string, index: number) => (
    <li key={index} className={styles.todo}>
        action={(contract) => contract.call("deleteToDo", index)}
        Delete Todo

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