
Computable Protocol APIs... They all look the same.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Computable Protocol APIs... They all look the same.

Build Status

This repo is the first implementation of the Computable API, CAPI, the core set of APIs which govern access to a datatrust in the Computable protocol. A datatrust is any piece of software which implements CAPI.

This repo hosts an implementation of CAPI in Python. The setup is fairly straightforward. There's a Flask server which connects to AWS. The actual data is stored in Dynamo DB. (The choice of storage will be abstracted further in future versions.) This codebase also communicates extensively with a deployed set of Computable smart contracts through web3.py and computable.py.


First set up a virtual environment with Python 3.6. (Python 3.7 and web3.py have some issues with each other). See here for a guide.

You can install the core requirements with pip (make sure this is the pip in your virtual environment though)

pip install -r requirements.txt

You'll also need to run one additional command:

pip install web3[tester]

(The awkward format of this command doesn't mesh well with the automatic pip installation, so needs to be done manually). You should now be set up!

Running the tests

The tests are specified in the Makefile. To run tests, simply do

make test