Personal Hobby project with Python.
Simple TCP server which listens for Teltonika trackers communicating via Codec 8 Extended using TCP
Server waits for device to send IMEI then responds with "01", device then must send Codec 8 Extended packet, server responds with records number.
Codec 8 documentation can found via URL bellow:
Server - Device communication must work but not yet tested - works
AVL IDs are parsed, AVL Data - not yet parsed - partially parsed
AVL IDs and Raw values ar saved in ./data/data.json
- TCP communaction - done!
- Codec 8 Extended structure parsing - done!
- Codec 8 structure parsing - done!
- Saving AVL IDs with RAW/Parsed values to JSON - done!
- TCP Server and Parser functionality - done!
- CRC16 checking to detect corupted packets - done!
- RAW DATA saving to separate .JSON - done!
- Seprate .JSON files for different IMEIs - done!
- Codec 8 (not extended support) -
not done yet- done! - AVL IDs value parsing -
not done yet- progress ongoing - Beacon list: AVL 385 parsing - planing soon waiting for bad weather
- User interface via Browser - not done yet
- Limiting data.json file to X MB in size, and create new ones - not done yet
- Make server multithreaded (code rewrite may be required) - not done yet
- Implement required adjustments for Linux OS - not done yet
- Seprate .JSON files for different IMEIs -
not done yet- done! - More... - not done yet
- Install latest Python version from:
- Download ""
and Data folder: ./data/data.json- now created automatically - Open "" with any text editor, change 'port' to YOUR open Port
- Run "" via terminal
- Follow on screen instructions