Solution Accelerator for handling sensitive data on the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform

For a detailed conceptual understanding of handling sensitive data on the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform, please refer to the following blogpost

Path to Data Protection and Compliance with Databricks Data Intelligence Platform


  1. Unity Catalog enabled Databricks Workspaces
  2. User with Workspace Admin Privilege
  3. Unity Catalog enabled cluster with DBR 13.3 or above


The solution accelerator includes sample scripts for the following tasks

  1. Generate fake PII data using Python faker library
  2. PII detection and tagging in Unity Catalog governed Tables using Databricks labs project DiscoverX and Presidio
  3. Encrypt columns (including free text columns)
  4. Apply dynamic column level masking

How to run

  1. Clone the repository into Databricks Workspace Repo

  2. Create UC Catalogs and Schemas (examples below)

  • DIZ Catalog: example
  • DIZ Schema: default
  • Dev Catalog: example_dev
  • Dev Schema: default
  • Dev Catalog: example_prod
  • Dev Schema: default
  1. Create privileged users account group (example: prod-privileged-users) and add the users. This is used for fine grained access controls.

  2. Run the notebooks

    Option 1: Run the notebooks manually in sequence.

    • Run all the notebooks (except notebook 4. Prod CLM using a Cluster in Assigned mode (Single User). DBR 13.3 or above

    Option 2: Create a workflow and create a Task for each Notebook

    • Set the following job parameters
    Name Value
    diz_catalog example
    diz_schema default
    num_rows 1000
    prod_catalog example_prod
    dev_catalog example_dev
    target_schema default
    free_text freetext
    privileged_group_name prod-privileged-users

    Option 3: Create a workflow with the JSON definition using the Jobs API create endpoint or Databricks CLI. Please note that recreating this job requires you to update the highlighted identifiers with the right values.

     3a. Copy the contents of the [JSON definition](workflow/create_databricks_job.json) file and change the string "" with your Databricks username.
     3b. Create a job (via Databricks Cli or Databricks REST API) using the json (Example: `databricks jobs create --json '<json content>'`)


  3. Observe the results: Browse the bronze and silver tables in the specified catalog/schema.


  • The views/opinions expressed here are our own and do not necessarily represent the views/opinions of Databricks.
  • The sample code provided is intended to aid in getting started and may not be production-ready. The code does not have any guarantees/warantees/support. Use it at your own risk.