Viewing Party

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About this Project

Viewing Party Lite is an application in which users can explore movie options and create a viewing party event for themselves and other users of the application.

Live application can be found here


  1. Fork and Clone the repo
  2. Install gem packages: bundle install
  3. Setup the database: rails db:create,migrate,seed
  4. Setup your api key: Create an account and request an API key from The Movie Database
  5. Install figaro: bundle exec figaro install
  6. In the config/application.yml file add: TMDB_API_KEY: <TMDB API KEY GOES HERE>
  7. Run the server: rails s
  8. In your browser navigate to http://localhost:3000

To run the test suite in the terminal: bundle exec rspec

Learning Goals

  • Consume a JSON API that requires authentication
  • Implement authentication/authorization of users using bcrypt
  • Use facades/services/poros to organize code and abstract logic from the controller

Built with:

  • Ruby 2.7.4
  • Rails
  • RSpec


Joe King Bryan Flanagan
“” “” “” “”


This project gets all move related data from The Movie Database