
How to start the app

  • client react app : cd client , run npm start it will run on localhost:3000
  • server node app : cd server, run node app.js it will run on localhost:3002
  • you can change the running environment port of the server from .env

As For the database :

  • You need to download postgres on your mac with brew install postgresql
  • Type psql or postgres in terminal to open postgres
  • Type CREATE DATABASE feedbackslogs;
  • Type \q to quit postgres and get to the normal terminal and type this command psql feedbackslogs < pgdb.sql in order to run the .sql file in the project to create the tables with the records.
  • Now the database with the tables and records are created with PGUSER=postgres (env variables in .env file) by default, and no password and PGPORT=5432 by default
  • You can enter postgres again and type \l to list the database, and to connect to your specified database type \c feedbackslogs

Implemented Features Checklist

  • Listing customers names in CommentList react component with data fetched from /customers endpoint in the node server.

  • When a customer name is clicked, the feedbacks are fetched from /customersFeedbacks endpoint and displayed in FeedbacksList component.

  • When a customer name is clicked an "Add new feedback" button is shown to add a new feedback for the selected customer.

  • When the "Add new customer"/"Add new feedback" button in is clicked, a new input field is displayed to enter new customer name/feedback. When user clicks "Enter" keyboard button, the new customer name/feedback is displayed in the CustomersList/Feedbacks as well as added in the db through the node server endpoint.

  • Clicking "Escape" keyboard button closes the new customer/feedback input field.

  • When a customer name is clicked and the feedbacks are displayed, a search bar is shown to enter a search keyword, when the "Enter" keyboard button is clicked, the feedbacks list are filtered with the entered keyword, this filtering is handled through the client side in the redux store.

  • When the feedbacks are filtered, a "Clear" button is displayed to clear the filters and re-fetch the feedbacks for the previously selected customer name.