
Super simple SVG component support for Gridsome

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Everytime I start a new Gridsome project, I have to go and set up SVG inlining. It's annoying having to do it over and over, so like my Tailwind CSS plugin, I created something to make adding SVGs to my projects easier.


Install the package with npm install -D gridsome-plugin-svg. Then, in gridsome.config.js, add the following:

plugins: [
    use: 'gridsome-plugin-svg',
    options: {
    // default options below
    goesBothWays: false,
    svgo: [
        removeTitle: false
        prefixIds: {
          prefix: (_, {path}) => basename(path, '.svg'),
          delim: '-',
        removeDesc: false
        removeViewBox: false,
        sortAttrs: true,


You can use any plugin from SVGO. I've included some defaults that take accessibility into account. There is also an option titled goesBothWays. If set to true, you can add ?inline to the end of the import to use as a standard Vue component and imports without ?inline tacked on will instead return the path to the SVG, making it usable for external img sources as well. It lends some extra flexibility, but is a little unintuitive, so it's off by default. I personally like this approach, and may possibly change the default to this in the future.

import Foo as '@/assets/svg/foo.svg?inline' // will be inlined
import Bar as '@/assets/svg/bar.svg' // will return path to SVG

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