This is a bunch of atspi examples that I used while working on gnome-shell accessibility implementation: * I needed to create terminal programs because it was complex to use accerciser while working on gnome-shell. For any other application, my recommendation is still use accerciser, as has a lot of more options. * In any case, I think that it would be good to have something like these examples published somewhere, because right now, libatspi doesn't have any real examples around, except perhaps Orca, but it uses pyatspi2 and is too big as a first example (imho). * They were written in C because at some periods (mostly due the python3 migration), it was complex to get those programs done in python. Was easier to write them in C that fix the python dependencies issues. * There are also some scripts written in javascript, initially created to test the gobject-introspected bindings, after finding that those had some bugs not found on pyatspi2. It would be good to get the same functionality of the C programs. Eventually, those examples could be part of atspi itself. But probably it also makes sense to keep them as a different repository, so we can have examples written in different languages (only C written examples fit on atspi) # Python Examples ## Running Python Examples To run python examples simply type the following into the terminal from the source directory: `cd python; ./` Replacing "" with the name of the example code you wish to run ## Current Examples ### This example listens to keypress events until it gets either an F3 or and F4 event. ##### Instructions Press F3 to print the accessible hierarchy and F4 to exit
Examples of libatspi usage, in C, javascript (using gobject-introspection), etc