Yet another C Brainf*ck Interpreter

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

YACBFI - Yet another C Brainf*ck Interpreter

YACBFI is yet another Brainf*ck interpreter written in C99.
I made this not because there are so few out there... rather because I wanted to learn C coming from a C++ background.
It was harder than I could imagine. I relie so heavily upon C++11 Features and OOP that it was a real challenge.


  • A compiler that is capable of C99 (GCC Testet)


  • GNU Make


With Make:

Just type make. Otherwise, use make CC={compiler name} to change the compiler.

With GCC:

$ gcc -std=c99 -O3 -o yacbfi.exe src/main.c src/utils.c


There is a Hello World! sample (sample/hello.bf)
To test it, I highly recommend checking out Daniel B. Cristofani's Brainf*ck Programs
Espessialy test.b for "Feature" testing

$ yacbfi -f {file.bf}


  • Full Brainf*ck Support
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation


  • Option to have different size of cells (Test)
  • Settable Size to enable wrapping (Dynamic Memory turns Off)
  • +++++[>+++++++>++<<-]>.>.[ Should give error message "unmatched ]"
  • +++++[>+++++++>++<<-]>.>.][ Should give error message "unmatched ["


This software is licensed under the MIT License.