
This is a simple Task Management web application built using Spring, Struts, Hibernate, and JSON. The application allows users to manage tasks by performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on tasks.

Primary LanguageJava

Task Management Web Application

This is a simple Task Management web application built using Spring, Struts, Hibernate, and JSON. The application allows users to manage tasks by performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on tasks.


  • View Tasks: Users can view a list of tasks in JSON format.
  • Create Tasks: Users can add new tasks to the list.
  • Update Tasks: Users can edit the details of existing tasks.
  • Delete Tasks: Users can remove tasks from the list.

Technologies Used

  • Spring Framework
  • Struts Framework
  • Hibernate ORM
  • JSON Serialization/Deserialization
  • H2 Database (or your database of choice)
  • Web Dynamic Project

Setup and Run

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/thisarakaushan/task-management-system.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd task-management-system
  1. Configure Database:

Configure the database settings in the src/main/java/applicationContext.xml file.

  1. Build and Run the Application:

Using apache-tomcat: The application will be accessible at http://localhost:8080/task-management-system

  1. Use the application by accessing different URLs:
  • View Tasks: http://localhost:8080/task-management-system/tasks/get-tasks
  • Create Task: http://localhost:8080/task-management-system/tasks/insert-task
  • Update Task: http://localhost:8080/task-management-system/tasks/update-task
  • Delete Task: http://localhost:8080/task-management-system/tasks/delete-task
  1. Project Structure
  • src/main/java: Contains Java source code.

    • com.highradius.taskmanagement.action: Struts action class.
    • com.highradius.taskmanagement.dao: DAO interface.
    • com.highradius.taskmanagement.daoImpl: DAO implementation class.
    • com.highradius.taskmanagement.exceptions: Custom exception class.
    • com.highradius.taskmanagement.pojo: Entity class.
    • com.highradius.taskmanagement.manager: Service interface.
    • com.highradius.taskmanagement.managerImpl: Manager implementation class.
    • com.highradius.taskmanagement.util: Hinernate configuration class
  • src/main/java: Contains application properties, Hibernate configuration, etc.

  • src/main/webapp: Contains JSP files, Struts configuration, etc.

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