- 1
Buildozer Requirements Error with pyrebase
#419 opened by SuperMarius409 - 2
How to set %DISPLAY NAME% using pyrebase ?
#436 opened by vikramsamak - 0
Release to conda-forge
#455 opened by gonzalocasas - 7
Crypto Error on import pyrebase
#406 opened by robertkstarr - 2
Firebase database missing token on set()
#429 opened by ipungg-junior - 0
- 1
i have this error when installing the module
#437 opened by zoroxide - 0
ERROR: Could not build wheels for pycryptodome, which is required to install pyproject.toml-based projects
#453 opened by dhinesh-KM - 5
Compatibility issues
#450 opened by hamdivazim - 1
- 1
- 0
App is crashing with Pyrebase4 ,kivy
#451 opened by wishrohitv - 2
Add support for firebase AppCheck
#394 opened by Bark-fa - 0
How to get user photo_URL from auth in pyrebase
#449 opened by olildu - 5
Pyrebase in apk fails when it worked before
#444 opened by AlejandroPG10 - 0
- 2
legacy-install-failure × Encountered error while trying to install package. ╰─> pycryptodome
#446 opened by rehan985 - 5
- 2
- 2
THIS REPO UNMAINTAINED - 3 new successor repos here
#435 opened by Lxstr - 3
Download Not Working
#443 opened by snehitvaddi - 1
Pyrebase + Micropyhton + Pi Pico W
#440 opened by XaviWLD - 1
If config is placed in .env file
#438 opened by gavinchris37 - 2
The Current State of pyrabase [URGENT]
#432 opened by IGN-Styly - 2
Which of the following is efficient and why?
#422 opened by koushikromel - 3
- 3
Can't install it!
#426 opened by Sayad-Uddin-Tahsin - 2
Can't install it!
#434 opened by Prog-LucasAlves - 1
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I get pyrebase authentication error 400: bad request for url:
#424 opened by sid00100 - 4
- 4
Not working
#418 opened by Rasantis - 0
- 2
- 5
How can I get list of all the files in storage ?
#414 opened by adivaste - 3
I need help. I have an error. I'm trying to fix it.
#416 opened by asadbek1803 - 0
ValueError on .put(inMemoryFile)
#415 opened by MrPieler - 0
#413 opened by 0xPugal - 1
- 0
iam unable to install pyrebase by pip
#412 opened by codewithawr - 0
Clause LIKE
#411 opened by CoutinhoElias - 2
Running install for pycryptodome ... error
#399 opened by vipul983 - 0
How to get upload status of a file
#410 opened by sunilk-n - 2
list_files() is returning with an error.
#408 opened by fortysev-en - 1
Missing Email When Not missing it
#407 opened by showierdata9978 - 0
- 1
Not updated pkg causes error : Module 'collections' has no attribute 'MutableMapping' (FIX)
#403 opened by IGN-Styly - 2
- 0
Error: Invalid Syntax(
#396 opened by MehalaKeller - 0
Authentication using mobile number + SMS OTP
#395 opened by omar-ayoubi