- Built for Solid: leverages fine-grained reactivity primitives for coordination.
- Flexible: built to support a wide range of cases, from single selects to multi-select autocomplete lists.
- Extendable: use the pre-fabricated components or build your own from the core primitives.
- Zero dependencies: Just pair with Solid and good to go.
Install it:
npm install @thisbeyond/solid-select
Use it:
import { Select } from "@thisbeyond/solid-select";
import "@thisbeyond/solid-select/style.css";
const App = () => {
return (
<Select options={["apple", "banana", "pear", "pineapple", "kiwi"]} />
export default App;
See more examples at https://solid-select.com
- A high level
component that can be configured with either a static or dynamic list of options. - Support for single value selection or multiple value selection.
helper for configuring filterable options based on input value (complete with match highlighting). Works with lists of plain strings or can be passed a 'key' to filter against lists of objects. Can also be used to configure creating new options on the fly. - Opt-in sensible default styling. Customise easily or style from scratch.
- Composable building blocks to create your own control.
- Lower level
primitive if you just want the core logic.
I've been part of the SolidJS community for a while now and one of the things I really like is the emphasis on trying things out and sharing them (https://hack.solidjs.com). The ecosystem is small which creates a lot of opportunity and a lower barrier to entry for sharing I find.
I published my first Solid library (https://solid-dnd.com) a short while back as
a first dabble in sharing what I had learnt on a personal project. That went
well so when I had to create a multi-select autocomplete control for another
personal project I knew I'd be sharing that too - and so Solid Select
came to
be :)