My dotfiles

All of the configuration files that I use when doing a setup on a new Macbook. Scripts included should make it easy to setup a new Mac from scratch and more importantly, without too much overhead (ideally, only one entrypoint script should do all of the usually hands-on work for me).

Based on Dotfiles: Best way to store in a bare git repository from Atlassian's blog.

Getting started

How to clone the repo :

git clone --bare $HOME/.cfg

# Define the alias in the current shell scope:
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'

# Checkout the actual content from the bare repository to your $HOME:
config checkout

# The step above might fail with a message like:

# error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout:
#    .bashrc
#    .gitignore
# Please move or remove them before you can switch branches.
# Aborting

# This is because your $HOME folder might already have some stock configuration
# files which would be overwritten by Git. The solution is simple: back up the files
# if you care about them, remove them if you don't care. I provide you with a possible
# rough shortcut to move all the offending files automatically to a backup folder:

mkdir -p .config-backup && \
config checkout 2>&1 | egrep "\s+\." | awk {'print $1'} | \
xargs -I{} mv {} .config-backup/{}

# Re-run the check out if you had problems:
config checkout

# Set the flag showUntrackedFiles to no on this specific (local) repository:
config config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no

Executing the setup script :


If the setup script is not working because of permissions, a simple chmod change will do the trick :

chmod ug+x ./

Good to know

  • Some of the changes will need a full reboot to take effect.
  • A few of the programs installed will need MacOS permissions, most notably Accessibility
  • yabai, the window manager I use, will need some extra setup steps for all of it's features to work. Most of them will do, but it's worth remembering.


  • Create a simple script that'll automate the getting started steps
  • Find defaults for MacOS that'll help me customize some deeply nested/protected settings such as Accessibility without breaking the OS's stability
  • Some of those defaults will also need system events being sent in order to make them effective without rebooting
  • Make a checklist of steps to decommission a computer before wiping the hard drive.