
Flask project to vote on events that Hackbrights can attend today, tomorrow, et al.

Primary LanguagePython

Hackbright class assignment:

  1. Create 3 tables: Users, Posts, Votes
  2. Make a webapp with Flask

Here are the types for said table columns:


  • id:int
  • email:string
  • password:string


  • id:int
  • title:string
  • body:text
  • user_id:int
  • created_at:date


  • id:int
  • user_id:int
  • post_id:int
  • value:int

Flask project: What would Hackbrights do?

  • Takes in posts (ie. ideas for events) by users
  • Lets users vote on them
  • Sorts by date (ie. view by today, tomorrow)


  1. Make user
  2. Log in as user to add post (or, to add post, must log in as user)
  3. Log in as user to vote (or, to vote, must log in as user)

Webpages Required:

  • User_Add
  • User_Log_In
  • Post_Add
  • Vote_Add

Concepts to Tackle:

  • User Authentication

The morning demo app built by Christian: https://github.com/chriszf/demo_app