
TicTacToe game with Double Q-learning.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

TicTacToe game with Double Q-Learning

Aim of this project to build a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm (QLearning) that can play tic tac toe better than a human does. When application runs, agent starts playing agains in two other agents. One opponent agent picks highly random moves while the other one makes a bit smarter moves.

At the same time you can play against the agent, by using numbers on the board between [0, 8]. 0 refers to the (1, 1) cell in the tictactoe board while 8 refers to (3, 3).


> cmake . && make

This command should create a binary in bin/ folder name game.

Running the game

After running the command from the base (ttt_qlearning) folder,

> bin/game

You will generate 3 agents playing TicTacToe.

  • Agent A will be playing with Agent B.
  • Agent A will be playing with Agent C.

And you will be promted to enter a number to mark on the board. While training you can play against Agent A yourself and see the improvement.

[agent a vs. b]	agent 0 won %: 58.547, agent 1 won %: 41.0874		| agent 0 double table (action) size: 29936
[agent a vs. c]	agent 0 won %: 51.6226, agent 1 won %: 48.2668		| agent 0 double table (action) size: 30034


Enter pos [0-8]: 

While training continues you can play the game continuously.
