
An opinionated base laravel install.


composer create-project thisisdevelopment/laravel-base <dir>

Or alternatively if you don't have composer installed locally:

git clone $dir
cd $dir
rm -rf .git
./bin/dev init

Folder structure

This is modeled after the domain oriented structure proposed by The proposed structure is extended with the concept of modules, which are default implementations of generic domain code.

The complete structure is

  • app <= toplevel app dir, no code here
  • app/App/<app name>/ <= application specific code
  • app/Domain/<domain> <= domain specific code
  • app/Domain/vendor/<domain> <= generic domain code (managed by composer, for packages with type=laravel-domain)
  • app/Module/<module> <= module code (managed by composer, for packages with type=laravel-module)
  • packages/<package>/ <= composer wil automatically pickup any packages in this directory. This allows to develop packages alongside your application (see packages/

It uses oomphinc/composer-installers-extender to install packages of type laravel-module/laravel-domain to the app/Module and app/Domain/vendor folders.

Docker compose support

This base install comes with a complete docker-compose setup out of the box. It assumes you have a working local docker install which allows access to docker for your own user.

To easily access the containers you should also run the thisisdevelopment/docker-hoster container (see to dynamically update your hosts file.

docker run --restart=unless-stopped -d \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock \
    -v /etc/hosts:/tmp/hosts \

Dev script

To easily access the containers you should use the included bin/dev script. This script allows for easy execution of composer etc inside your containers.

The supported commands are:

  • up
  • down
  • rm
  • deploy
  • logs
  • php-cli
  • composer
  • artisan
  • phpcs
  • phpcbf
  • phpunit

Coding standards

This base install enforces the PSR-12 code standard. It does this by installing a git-hook which enforces this standard (by means of phpcs)