genome-wide crispr lib. data is not published. only site structure is available

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Genome-wide CRISPR Lib

genome-wide CRISPPR Lib -new version


Site Address

only available through Shanghaitech Intranet on currently

Search Example


Update Log 2020.09.15

Greatly improve the query performance.

Import tsVector and GinIndex

tsVector speeds up Full Text Retrieval and Indexing query fields also speeds up the query. (theoretically, tsvector will not speedup our query of crisprs, but this allows us to use GinIndex more easily)
GinIndex is Natively supported by postgreSQL which is currently unique and can greatly speeds up the Full Text Retrieval.

Use django-extensions and ipython for django shell

Install the django_extensions extension app. Thsi allows us to see raw sql querys in database and analyze the performance.
It also allows us to use IPython for shell. so we can use shortcuts such as timeit to analyze the performance.(The performance are recorded in Notes.md)

Query Process Improvement

Based on the analysis, we found that the origin filtering of hit or miss using SQL is insanely slow.(up to 20seconds for 500 genes)
we imporve the logic, converting the result to a set ehich significantly improve theperformance. Based on the test, 5000 genes in search box can be handled easily on serverside.(Client side may need sometime to render the table in browser.)


Based on the analysis, df.to_html function takes most of the time of propcessing. Hopefully we can find a new way to conver the table to a html. Or simply leave the job as a async job using Celery, and leave a ajax request on client side.

Open and Close


python manage.py collectstatic

before run on uWSGI.

check the site actually works

make sure DEBUG in /core/settings.py is False
then run:

python manage.py runserver{port}

open localhost:{port} in browser to check the site.

if all static files(css, js, ...) files are missing, you should check the static path is properly setted.
Details see Django Tutorial

The site actually works nows, but we prefer to deploy it with uWSGI and Nginx
see Why Django + uWSGI + Nginx? A recommended Chinese tutorial.

Run on uWSGI

if the site runs well with runserver command, you can deploy the site on uWSGI
Django uWSGI tutorial

run with cmd line

Run on backgrund:

uwsgi --http :{port} --module core.wsgi --daemonize ./files/logs/uwsgilog.log --pidfile ./files/uwsgi.pid

Close uWSGI:

uwsgi --stop ./files/uwsgi.pid

Not run on backgrund:

uwsgi --http :<port> --module core.wsgi

Run on uWSGI and Nginx

Both uWSGI's and Nginx's config ot ini files are already written.
Details see Official Instrauction

Run uWSGI with .ini file:

uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini

Run Nginx with configure

Link current sites's config to Nginx global config:

sudo ln -s ./lib_nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

sudo ln -s ./lib_nginx.conf /etc/nginx/init.d/

check the conf with

sudo nginx -t

if the test fails:

delete the syslink generated and copy the file to enabled site directly

sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/lib_nginx.conf
sudo cp ./lib_nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

In CentOS7, Nginx weill not run other .conf file under /etc/nginx/init.d/

modify /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
include the conf file explicitly with in the http area. Restart Nginx:

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart
# or
sudo service nginx restart

Run uWSGI as an emperor

Running uWSGI as an emperor allows uWSGI restarts web server as the config amended, allows multiple webservers in parallel.
See Details (at the bottom)

uwsgi --emperor /etc/uwsgi/vassals --uid www-root --gid www-root –daemonize

It's not safe to run uWSGI as root, so specify --uid and --gid as another non-root user or number(e.g. 1000)

import data from csv to Database

postgreSQL is recommended

python ./manage.py shell < importCSV.py

Support Data Table Libs

Details see DataTables


HTML5 export (Excel, CSV, PDF...)


Required for HTML5 export Excel


Required for the PDF HTML5 export button.


Search panels for DataTables allowing rapid and customisable filtering.


Click-and-drag column reordering.


Click-and-drag row reordering.


Sticky header and / or footer for the table.

How to add a new library

Considering we may have new libs in future, we can simply add the new lib to this site rather than create a new site. Here are the steps of creating a new lib.

If you are familiar with Django, you can simply copy the whole crispr_lib app and modify the models, views, templates and so on to meet the requirement of the new lib.
Then register the app, import your data and bring it online.

Step 1 Create a New App in Site

Create the app

python manage.py startapp {your app name}

Step 2 Implement the App

Create model
In {your_app}/models.py, create a new model. This should comply with your data. Be cautious in choosing Field types See Official Doc It will be tricky to change field type once there are data in the database.

just copy the model in crispr_lib/models.py and modify it.

Create View
In {your_app}/views.py, import the model you just created and create a new view. This defines how the site respond to the request.
Make sure the function takes request as a input. request.method==POST means user upload something to server(e.g. a report), usually it will be GET.

just copy the view in crispr_lib/views.py and modify it.

How does the view return a table to the page?
database --query--> queryset -> pandas.dataframe(pd.df) --process--> pd.df.to_html

Create Template In core/template/pages create your template in corresponding directory (usually it will br dynamic.)

Recommended >> just copy the templates of crispr_lib and modify it.
The basic structure should be remained.

In core/template/navigation.html add new the lib to #navbar-links and set id="you-lib-id". In <script> area, find and modify or simply add:

var current = document.getElementsByClassName("active");
current[0].className = current[0].className.replace(" active", "");
var currpage = document.getElementById("you-lib-id")
currpage.className += " active";

This will set the active page on navbar to current page.
In core/template/pages/static/home.html, add the link to the new lib.

Admin View
In {your_app}/admin.py (create one if it doesn't exists). Create you admin view and register it to your model.
list_filter defines the filter of instances in list view.
list_display defines the fields shown in the field.
fieldsets defines how the fields will be categoried and palced on the detail page.

just copy the view in crispr_lib/admin.py and modify it.

Step 3 Make the Lib Accessible

Register the app to the site.
In core/setting.py find INSTALLED_APPS, and add your app into it.

You shuold add the app earlier to run tests.

Register a URL
In {your_app}/your_app/. create a new urls.py.

just copy the view in report/urls.py and modify it.

include the url of this app in core/urls.py

Migrate the App and Bring it onlone.
In report/models.py find class ReportCategory under class Report:
add YOUR_LIB = {value in database}, _('name for human to read') where {value in database} should be a integer Don't change the values of existed categories. This allows users choosing the new lib as the report category.

To make the app in database

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Import Lib Data
Modify importCSV.py and import data to the database.

python manage.py shell < importCSV.py