
persist and rehydrate a redux store

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux Persist

Persist and rehydrate a redux store.

Redux Persist is performant, easy to implement, and easy to extend.

Check out some recipes, or open an issue to discuss your use case.

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Basic Usage

Basic usage requires adding three lines to a traditional redux application:

import {persistStore, autoRehydrate} from 'redux-persist'
const store = autoRehydrate()(createStore)(reducer)

For per reducer rehydration logic, you can opt-in by adding a handler to your reducer:

import {REHYDRATE} from 'redux-persist/constants'
  if(action.key === 'myReducer'){
    return {...state, ...action.payload, specialKey: processSpecial(action.payload.specialKey)}
  return state

You may also need to configure the persistence layer, or take action after rehydration has completed:

persistStore(store, {blacklist: ['someTransientReducer']}, () => {
  console.log('rehydration complete with state')

And if things get out of wack, just purge the storage

persistStore(store, config, callback).purge(['someReducer']) //or .purgeAll()


persistStore(store, [config, callback])

  • arguments
    • store redux store The store to be persisted.
    • config object
      • blacklist array keys (read: reducers) to ignore
      • whitelist array keys (read: reducers) to persist, if set all other keys will be ignored.
      • storage object a conforming storage engine.
      • transforms array transforms to be applied during storage and during rehydration.
      • debounce integer debounce interval applied to storage calls.
      • skipDispatch boolean true -> do not dispatch rehydrate actions.
    • callback function will be called after rehydration is finished.
  • returns persistor object

persistor object

  • the persistor object is returned by persistStore with the following methods:
    • .purge(keys)
      • keys array An array of keys to be purged from local storage. (this method is available on the return value of persistStore)
    • .purgeAll()
      • Purges all keys. (this method is available on the return value of persistStore)
    • .rehydrate(key, serialDataString)
      • This can be used to trigger rehydration from outside of persistStore, for example in crosstab syncing.


  • This is a store enhancer that will automatically shallow merge the persisted state for each key. Additionally it queues any actions that are dispatched before rehydration is complete, and fires them after rehydration is finished.


  • import constants from 'redux-persist/constants'. This includes rehydration action types, and other relevant constants.

Extend And Customize

Redux-persist is very easy to extend with new functionality:


import reduxPersistImmutable from 'redux-persist-immutable'
import crosstabSync from 'redux-persist-crosstab'

const persistor = persistStore(store, {transforms: [reduxPersistImmutable]}, () => crosstabSync(persistor))

Semi Secret Advanced APIs

warning these api's may change without warning

initialState rehydration

import {getStoredState, autoRehydrate, persistStore} from 'redux-persist'

//... set up everything per normal: finalCreateStore, reducer etc.

const persistConfig = {
  skipRestore: true

getStoredState(persistConfig, (err, initialState) => {
  const store = finalCreateStore(reducer, initialState)
  persistStore(store, persistConfig)
    <Root store={store} />,

Secondary Persistor

const persistor = persistStore(store)
const secondaryPersistor = persistStore(store, {storage: specialBackupStorage, skipRestore: false})

Storage Backends

localStorage (default), react-native AsyncStorage, or a conforming custom storage api. Custom storage API should be an object with the following methods: setItem getItem removeItem getAllKeys each with the function signature as found in react-native AsyncStorage.

import {AsyncStorage} from 'react-native'
persistStore(store, {storage: AsyncStorage})


  • Performant out of the box (uses a time iterator and operates on state partials)
  • Keeps custom rehydration logic in the reducers (where it intuitively belongs)
  • Supports localStorage, react-native AsyncStorage, or any conforming storage api

The core idea behind redux-persist is to provide performant persistence and rehydration methods. At the same time redux-persist is designed to minimize complexity by knowing as little about your application as possible.

Conceptually redux-persist encourages you to think on a per-reducer basis. This greatly simplifies the mental model (no filters or selectors!) and means that if you change your reducer schema, you will not need to mirror those changes in your persistence configuration.

Because persisting state is inherently stateful, persistStore lives outside of the redux store. Importantly this keeps the store 'pure' and makes testing and extending the persistor much easier.

About Auto Rehydrate

autoRehydrate is a store enhancer that automatically rehydrates state.

While auto rehydration works out of the box, individual reducers can opt in to handling their own rehydration, allowing for more complex operations like data transforms and cache invalidation. Simply define a handler for the rehydrate action in your reducer, and if the state is mutated, auto rehydrate will skip that key.

With autoRehydrate, actions dispatched before rehydration is complete are buffered and released immediately after rehydration is complete.

Auto rehydrate is provided as a convenience. In a large application, or one with atypical reducer composition, auto rehydration may not be convenient. In this case, simply omit autoRehydrate. Rehydration actions will still be fired by persistStore, and can then be handled individually by reducers or using a custom rehydration handler.


JSON serialization and localStorage (which is sync!) can both hurt performance. To work around this redux-persist implements a few performance tricks:

  • During Rehydration getItem calls are invoked once per key using setImmediate.
  • During Storage setItem calls are invoked only on keys whose state has changed. If performance is impacted, set config.debounce = 33 to stagger (debounce) the calls by 33ms intervals (i.e. 30fps).

Additionally redux persist operates on a per reducer basis, which is a great lever for maximizing performance. If a piece of state is changing often (10+ times per second), isolate that state into it's own reducer, which will make the serialization and storage operations much faster.