Installing Go is a pre-requisite for running a dYmension full node. If you still need to install Go on your system, head to the Go download and install page.
Clone dymension
git clone
cd dymension
make install
Check that the dymd binaries have been successfully installed:
dymd version
If the dymd command is not found an error message is returned, confirm that your GOPATH is correctly configured by running the following command:
export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin
Occasionally you may need to perform a comlpete reset of your node due to data corruption or misconfiguration. Resetting will remove all data in ~/.dymension/data and the addressbook in ~/.dymension/config/addrbook.json and reset the node to genesis state.
Perform a complete reset of your dymd:
dymd tendermint unsafe-reset-all
Set the following variables:
export CHAIN_ID="local-testnet"
export KEY_NAME="local-user"
export MONIKER_NAME="local"
When starting a node you need to initialize a chain with a user:
dymd init "$MONIKER_NAME" --chain-id "$CHAIN_ID"
dymd keys add "$KEY_NAME" --keyring-backend test
dymd add-genesis-account "$(dymd keys show "$KEY_NAME" -a --keyring-backend test)" 100000000000stake
dymd gentx "$KEY_NAME" 100000000stake --chain-id "$CHAIN_ID" --keyring-backend test
dymd collect-gentxs
Now start the chain!
dymd start
You should have a running local node! Let's run a sample transaction.
Keep the node running and open a new tab in the terminal. Let's get your validator consensus address.
dymd tendermint show-address
This returns an address with the prefix "dymvalcons" or the Dymension validator consensus address.
If you have any issues please contact us on discord in the Developer section. We are here for you!