This runs the colorsummarizer on a directory you specify.
To use:
docker pull thisismattmiller/colorsummarizer
docker run -it -v ~/Downloads:/usr/images thisismattmiller/colorsummarizer
The -v ~/Downloads:/usr/images
part tells the script what directory to run the tool on. So here I am running it on all the *.jpg in my Downloads folder. You can then pipe the results of this command to a file.
If you want to stop the script (if it is running on a lot of files) in another window:
docker ps
docker kill <container_id_here>
git clone
cd color-summarizer-docker
docker build -t colorsummarizer .
You can modify the Dockerfile
on line 18 to make colorsumarizer do what you want:
# output format XML, text or JSON
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -xml
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -json
# get image size
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -info
# process all images in a directory
colorsummarizer -dir "images/*jpg"
# resize input image
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -width 50 -text
# crop input image before resizing, horizontally by 20 pixels and vertically by 10 pixels
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -width 50 -cropx 20 -cropy 10 -text
# crop left by 20, right by 50, top by 10 and bottom by 30
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -width 50 -cropx 20,50 -cropy 10,30 -text
# extract a rectangle from the image with top left corner at (20,10) and
# width 50 and height 100
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -width 50 -cropx 20 -cropw 50 -cropy 10 -croph 100 -text
# crop input image before resizing by 25 pixels on all sides
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -width 50 -crop 25 -text
# interpret the images as a grid of images and analyze each one independently
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -grid 2,3
# include histogram data
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text -histogram
# include raw pixel data
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text -pixel
# include aggregate statistics for each color space channel
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text -stats
# include image uniformity statistics across radius RADIUS (pixels)
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text -uniformity RADIUS
# combine outputs
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text -stats -histogram
# all stats
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text -all
# include color cluster data for k=5 clusters
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text -clusters 5
# clip pixels with transparency when clustering
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text -clusters 5 -clip transparent
# do not include names of nearest colors
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text -clusters 5 -clip transparent -no-names
# clip other kinds of pixels when clustering (e.g. black, white, green)
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text -clusters 5 -clip transparent,white,black,green
# create images from each color cluster in directory DIR
# if DIR is not specified, then directory of the image will be used
colorsummarizer -image img/ferns-100.jpg -text -clusters 5 -clip transparent,white,black,green -clusterimage DIR
# use configuration
colorsummarizer -conf colorsummarizer.conf
# dump configuation
colorsummarizer -cdump
# print debugging information
colorsummarizer -debug
# print timings
colorsummarizer -timer